Hit the Ground Running by Alison Hughes
My review: 3 of 5 stars
Social workers are turning up to investigate the situation with Dee and her little brother, Eddie in a ramshackle house in Arizona. Afraid of being separated and unable to locate their missing father, Dee decides to head to Canada where she and Eddie were born and have relatives. But she has an ancient car and no driver’s license. What could possibly go wrong?
Hit the Ground Running was a quick and enjoyable read, but I was left wanting more. More action, more adventure, more romance, and more humor. The book ended with only a temporary resolution and several open-ended plot points, so I suspect a sequel. However, the book was so short that it is difficult to imagine why the whole story could not have been contained in one novel for a more satisfactory reading experience. Otherwise, Hit the Ground Running was well-written with creative use of imagery and personification. The heroine is smart and capable with a lot of love for her little brother. The tension is tightly strung, and the author inserted some humor even in stressful situations. I wish that I had not been left so dissatisfied, and that the author had resolved everything in one novel.
In accordance with FTC guidelines, please note I received a free advance reading copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.