Wicked Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler
My review: 4 of 5 stars
A year ago, I participated in an online bible study via Faith Gateway featuring the book Wicked Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler. The term wicked in this study is used both literally and ironically (i.e. wicked smart, wicked cool, etc.). I enjoyed following along with the 6 week study. So, recently, I went back and completed the rest on my own. Spangler tells the story of the bible from Creation to Jesus’ Resurrection through the experiences and actions of 20 women. The chapters are short and easily digestible with notes about the time period being discussed and questions to consider after each woman’s story. Though several of the stories are familiar, the telling is unique with various insights and perspectives. If I had completed this study with a group of women, it would have been even more meaningful. I’ve included the links to the archived online study that took place over six weeks. If you’re looking for a bible study with a feminine angle, Wicked Women of the Bible is a good one. Alone or in a group, the study is interesting and compelling.