by Allie
This is an example of a text widget which can be used to describe a particular service. You can also use other widgets in this location.
Examples of widgets that can be placed here in the footer are a calendar, latest tweets, recent comments, recent posts, search form, tag cloud or more.
SavingFreak says
Libraries are going to be a place where you come download a book and then have a set number of days before that book expires. The paper book is going the way of the Dodo bird.
Allie says
Ebooks will not kill the physical book any more than television killed radio. There is a market for both. The demise of the book has been predicted for years, but sales have only increased. Ebooks are an alternative to the physical book, but not a replacement. Both technologies will coexist for years to come.
Darcie Dembinski says
Good stuff, I will definitely be I look here on a regular basis in the future.