I’ve been under the spell of Alice in Wonderland for well over a week now. As a result, I’ve managed to read very little at all. It started innocently enough with a puzzle. Being a fan of Alice for years, when I saw a jigsaw puzzle of Alice down the rabbit hole, I bought it. It was 1000 pieces. Really, really difficult tiny pieces. I called in a friend for reinforcements when I couldn’t even manage to find all the end pieces to put the framework together. We spread it across my dining room table. We divided the pieces into colors. My teenage son took pity on us and helped. He could see things we couldn’t. We wear bifocals and trifocals. We squinted a lot and asked each other inane questions like: “Is that a flower or a nose?” To inspire us, I purchased the audiobook of Alice’s Adventures read by Jim Dale. If you want the audiobook, get this one. No one reads like Jim Dale. No one. He read all of the Harry Potter books and made the voices of all the characters. I cannot emphasize his brilliance enough. I ended up listening to the book twice because it took so long to complete the puzzle, plus it was that good. Last night, or more accurately early this morning, my son and I placed the last piece in this puzzle. I immediately glued it together. I’m framing it. Then, I told my son that if I EVER buy another 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, he is to take me out back and shoot me. It would be more merciful. As it is, we are now truly ALL QUITE MAD HERE.